Colporteurs …Transforming Lives, One Page at a Time
From March 4-8, 2025, the West Jamaica Conference Auditorium became the epicentre of an influential gathering, as over 113 Literature Evangelists (L.E.s) from across Jamaica converged for the annual Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) Literature Evangelist Field School and Convention.
Even A Child Shall Lead Them
Hagley Park Preparatory School concluded its Week of Prayer, marking the end of an uplifting and spiritually enriching journey that began on Tuesday, March 11.
Everton Park Launches Bible School with Graduation and Baptism
On March 8, 2025, Everton Park SDA Church launched the Beacon of Hope Bible School which featured a graduation ceremony and a baptism. The afternoon’s proceedings were led by the East Jamaica Conference’s Bible School Coordinator, Elder Jennifer Dillon, who not only encouraged the graduands to share God’s word with others, but also to engage themselves in deeper study.
Sandy Park Adventist Community Services Team serve with Joy
Community Services is the face of the church in the community, and it has always been with joy, that we take the time to serve others and carry the gospel on the wheels of Adventist Community Services (ACS) to places such as Sandy Park, Standpipe and Chambers Lane.
Andrews SDA, Uchee Pines Lifestyle Institute partner for launch of life-saving Health Symposium
The Health and Wellness Ministries of Andrews Memorial Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church, in partnership with the renowned Uchee Pines Lifestyle Institute of Alabama in the United States (US), is set to host a special symposium aimed at teaching life-saving lifestyle changes to reverse non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Church Leaders, Officials Address the Dual Nature of Technology and State of Religion Freedom in Jamaica
Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders recently reflected on the paradoxical nature of technological advancements in religious freedom during a panel at the Jamaica Union Conference Religious Summit in Kingston, Jamaica, January 30, 2025.