Understanding Deafness | Feature # 3
Last week we focused on how to identify symptoms of Deafness. This week we will continue with some of these symptoms and look a little at the Deaf Culture.
Understanding Deafness | Feature 2
Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially. Symptoms may be mild, moderate, severe, or profound.
The Deaf & Hard of Hearing | Feature #1
WHAT IS DEAFNESS? A physical condition where the individual lack sensitivity to sound. Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially. There are different levels of deafness. Symptoms may be mild, moderate, severe, or profound.
5 Popular Myths About Autism Special Feature #5
“Ignorance is a disease, knowledge is the only cure” - Daniel Uche Ehioghe There are many myths and erroneous beliefs about autism that are not based on scientific evidence.
Sisters Bold Walk Convicts Parents To Grant Permission For Baptism
“Do you want to be baptized?” That was the question that set in motion the journey to baptism at the Inter-American Division’s 5th Pathfinder Camporee for sisters Jayden and Jamelia Stephens.
Challenges faced by Parents with children on the Autism Spectrum: Special Feature #4
"Autism doesn’t come with a manual it comes with parents who never give up." – Author Unknown Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face several challenges that are unique to their situation.