Pastor Oshain Stewart was installed in the Heroes Circle Seventh-day Adventist District of Churches in East Jamaica Conference (EJC) on January 6, 2024, the first Sabbath of the new year.
The installation service was supervised by Pastor Sadekie Beckford, Publishing Director of EJC. He introduced Pastor Stewart and his wife Tamara to the leaders and members of the church and also gave the special prayer of installation. At the end of the service, Pastor Oshain Stewart and his wife were welcomed officially by members of the church led by the first elders of Ephesus, Cross Roads, Heroes Circle and the newly formed Avondale Company.
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In his response, Pastor Stewart reflected on how God led His people in the past and will continue to do so today. Moses was led from a slave to a prince, but it was only after the ten plagues were unleashed that Pharaoh decided to let God’s people go. However as the children of Israel walked through the Egyptian gate not knowing where they were going, God led the way to a dead-end. Mountains were on both sides and behind was the way back to Egypt. One can do one of three things at a dead end: 1. Murmur/complain 2. Go back or 3. Stand Still and watch God.
In his sermon, the pastor continued to say, “God is the one leading His people. He may seem missing but anytime you need Him, He will show up. He shows up just when you need Him. Today, God is reminding His people that it’s not just time to get out of Egypt but to get Egypt, and the world, out of the people. God is reminding us of the Great Commission, to see a revival in this part of the vineyard.”
The Heroes Circle Church was full to capacity as members from the district of churches and other dignitaries attended the installation service to show their support and respect to Pastor Oshain Stewart and his wife. Sis Keisha Manning, Associate Treasurer of EJC was in attendance.
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