“We would like to give God thanks for His provisions as well as for allowing us to be used by Him.”
Community Services is the face of the church in the community, and it has always been with joy, that we take the time to serve others and carry the gospel on the wheels of Adventist Community Services (ACS) to places such as Sandy Park, Standpipe and Chambers Lane.
Sunday, February 2, 2025, was one of those opportunities as a special Community Treat started promptly at 10 am with devotion and greetings from the Sandy Park ACS Director, Beverly Campbell, and Pastor Rupaul Livingston.
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Seventy-seven individuals were in attendance, and the contact information of thirty-two of them were gathered for small group evangelism. Members of various communities came to receive clothing, shoes, and a wide variety of items. They also had the opportunity to have their eyes, blood pressure and blood glucose checked by the East Jamaica Conference Health Volunteers.
Our Sandy Park ACS kitchen team prepared a hot meal to perfection and served it with love, and all enjoyed a special treat of cake and ice cream. Fifty care packages were given out along with priority magazines in each bag and two Bibles were also given away.
One woman shared a powerful testimony of how God was good to her, as her niece met in an accident 3 weeks ago and the doctors were now saying that it was time for her to try to walk. As she was gathering clothes, she noticed a brand-new walker that she could get for her niece. Immediately, she asked if it was available and having been told yes, she jumped for joy and began praising God for His goodness and provision. These are some of the ways we help to share Jesus and the gospel.
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We give God thanks for all that He did and is still doing, and we extend gratitude to persons who made contributions to the cause and all the hard-working people who spent hours preparing and helping make the Community Treat 2025 a success. Special thanks to Dr. Eric Williams, Dr. Tannice Hall, Denese Bruce and Daphne Gilbert.
Our mission remains unchanged in this new year 2025, to be Christ’s hands and feet, sharing His love through service, compassion, and kindness. God bless you all.
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